
Announcement : Pengertian, Tujuan, Jenis, Generic Structure, Dan Contohnya Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Dalam kehidupan sehari hari pasti kita sering menemukan produk dari functional text seperti iklan, pengumuman dan lainnya. Dalam bahasa Inggris terdapat functional text yang sering di pakai dan ditemui yaitu, Pengumuman atau bahasa Inggrisnya disebut dengan Announcement. Pada kesempatan ini IBI akan membahas tentang Announcement, mari kita simak bersama tentan penjelasannya.

 Pengertian Announcement

Announcement adalah pernyataan (pemberitahuan resmi) dalam bentuk lisan atau tulis yang berisi sesuatu untuk di ketahui oleh semua orang. Namun, tidak semua orang yang mendengar atau membaca pengumuman tersebut berkepentingan atas pengumuman tersebut. Pengumuman dapat kita dengar atau baca dimana saja, misalnya pengumuman lisan disekolah atau di tempat-tempat umum, sedangkan pengumuman tertulis dapat kita baca di papan pengumuman, di majalah, dan di koran.

Jenis Announcement

  • Pengumuman orang hilang
  • Berita Duka
  • Berita pernikahan, ulang tahun, peresmian dan kelahiran
  • Pengumuman Pemenang
  • Lowongan pekerjaan
  • Iklan
  • Laporan kegiatan /acara
  • Pemberitahuan/ himbauan dari pemerintah

Tujuan Announcement

“The purpose is to inform the announcement text information about an event, job vacancies, new enrollment, new admissions, and so on”. Tujuan announcement text adalah untuk memberitahukan informasi tentang sebuah acara, Lowongan pekerjaan, penerimaan murid baru, penerimaan mahasiswa baru, dan sebagainya dengan memberikan informasi yang berbentuk formal kepada masyarakat umum atau masyarakat tertentu (To give a formal written notice of certain events).

Generic Structure Announcement

1. Title: Ini adalah bagian yang paling penting karena mewakili isi keseluruhan dari pengumuna tersebut. Meski begitu kadang tidak disebutkan dengan jelas.

2. Explanation: Penjelasan lebih lanjut tentang pengumunan tesebut. Biasanya terdiri dari informasi dasar yang mencakup: jenis kegiatan, waktu, tempat, dan partisipant.

Bagian-bagian Announcement

  • Judul atau jenis kejadian (The title/type of event)
  • Tanggal dan waktu (date and time)
  • Tempat (place)
  • orang/alamat yang dapat dihubungi (contact person/address)

Example of spoken announcement :
Attention, please.
The final tournament of basketball will be held on Sunday evening. Please come to Sanaman Mantikei to see the final tournament to support our basketball school team. Thank you.
Usually, we can find an announcement at :
1. Television.
2. Radio.
3. Newspapers.
4. Wall Magazine.
The structure of announcement :
  1. The title/type of event;
  2. For whom;
  3. Contents;
  4. Contact person/from whom.

Personal Letters

Personal letters also known as friendly letters, and social notes. Personal letters is a letter that we can share about anything that we want to tell by personal letters.
The Characteristic of personal letters :
  1. The opening/closing is variety, depends on the writer.
  2. Free language.
  3. Free format.
  4. Not use head letters and number of letters.
The structure of personal letters in general :
1.      Address of sender
2.      Date
3.      Address of the addressee
4.      Salutation
5.      Content
6.      The end of content
Example of personal letters :
Jalan soeprapto No. 17 Bandung
October 4, 2012
To : Endah
Jalan Yos Sudarso No. 6 Palangkaraya
Dear Endah,

How are you, Auntie?Long time no see. I hope you are fine.
I want to tell you about my new school. The school is huge. There’s a lot of plants, flowers, and trees. I get many new friends. They are very kind and friendly.
How about your new school ? Is it huge too ? I’m waiting for your reply. O.K ?
With love,


Message is a written or spoken piece of information that we send to somebody or leave for somebody when we can’t speak to them ourselves.
The structure is :
·         To : ....
·         Content : ....
·         Sender : ....
There are two types :
1.      Formal message. Usually written about something formal, but it is important. For example, when there is a meeting.

To : Mr. Roy, the Vice principal

Today there’s a meeting that you must be present. I know that you are busy. But this meeting is very important. The meeting will start at 9 a.m. at our auditorium. Thank you.

2.      Non Formal message. Usually, it is written about something that non formal, but it is important too. For example, when the children want to go to her friend’s house, while her mother shopping at the market.
To : Mom
                Mom, I’m go to Fitria’s house to do our tasks. The door has been locked. The door key is under the plant. I have finished my wash. I’ll be home at 5 p.m.

There are two kinds of message :
·         A verbal message in an exchange of information using words. Examples include face to face communication, telephone calls, voice mails, etc.

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